• Hi!
    I'm Mark

    A McMaster Alumni with a passion for Web Development.

  • I am a
    Computer Scientist

    With experience using a variety of coding languages and frameworks!

  • McMaster Alumni

    Recently graduated from McMaster University!

About Us

Who Am I?

Hi, I'm Mark Hutchison. I am a McMaster Computer Science alumni looking for opportunities to further my development in the coding world. I have a personal love of the web development world, including both front-end and back-end work. However, if I had to choose, I would always pick back-end development due to the logical nature of the workflow.

Over the past 6+ years, I have refined my full stack skills and ready to apply my skills in the workplace. Although it is my preference to work remotely, I would be willing to commute or even relocate if needed.

Web Design

Back-End Dev


Graphic Design

What I do?

Here are some of my expertise

Back-End Development

With experience in many languages and frameworks, like:

  • GoLang Echo
  • Python Django
  • Node.JS Express and Fastify

Front-End Development

Experience using:

  • Raw HTML and CSS
  • Frameworks like ReactJS
  • Server Templates like Blade

Database Management

Experience with many different types of databases, including:

  • SQL: MySQL, SQLite3, PostgreSQL
  • NoSQL: MongoDB
  • Graph: GraphQL, Neo4J

Communication Protocols

Experience developing:

  • WebSockets
  • WebTransport

Algorithm Design

Capable of converting human instructions into a computer algorithm.

My Specialty

My Skills

As mentioned previously, I am primarily a web-based developer. Majority of my skills are in languages and frameworks related to this field, as it is my passion. The following scales are meant to portray my comfort level with a technology.













Graph Databases


Front-End Development (ReactJS)






Front-End Development (Angular)


C# REST API Development



McMaster University - Hamilton, Ontario

August 2019 to June 2023

I was a 4 year undergrad at McMaster University during the Covid-19 pandemic. Although it was tough, I managed to make it through and it was quite a bit of fun.

Acton District High School - Acton, Ontario

September 2015 to June 2019

A high school in my home town in which offered many courses in information technologies. Because of this, I decided to graduate with a SHSM: Specialist High School Major.


Work Experience

Full Stack Developer at Izzy Software May 2023 - January 2024

Post-graduation, Izzy Software was the first company to take me on as an employee. They worked on many sensitive materials, that required knowledge in Angular frontend tools, C# backend tools, and in-depth SQL knowledge for databasing. This job put my skills to the test multiple times, and I am sure to say that -- if you asked -- they would say I met them all.

Teaching Assistant at McMaster University September 2020 - May 2023

Since 2nd year, due to my high grades, I have been acting as a Teaching Assistant. For the first 2 and a half years, I worked non-stop assisting with the "CS1MD3 Introduction to Programming in Python" course. I acted as server manager for the program, as well as the idea generator for many of the tests and exams. I also ensured that student questions were not left unanswered on our official course Piazza and Discord.
However, after the departure of the professor who I worked with - Nicholas Moore, I moved on to my final semester assisting with the "CS2DB3 - Databases" course. In databases, it was my task to teach tutorials and grade student assignments.

Software Engineer at FYELABS May 2021 - August 2022

Originally, I was hired on to act as a back-end engineer in the GoLang language. However, as my time increased at the company, I began transitioning into a full stack role. I learned the basics of VueJS, as well as an intermediate knowledge of ReactJS. Although I am still stronger with back-end technologies, I am capable in whichever work I am required. I also worked on a project coded in Laravel, using PHP Blade to generate the front-end, while working here. That project allowed me to experiment with a different language and framework, diversifying my skill-set even more.

Freelance Web-Developer September 2017 - August 2021

I worked as a self-employed full-stack web developer under the name Jazzmoon. We would be approached by members of the community looking for a website and we would develop and maintain websites for them for a cheap price. It gave me the opportunity to work with clients on a closer level, as well as good practice for my skills in various frameworks and technologies, such as CloudFlare DNS set-up, Linux server work, domain registration, and more.

Guest Experience Leader at McDonald's August 2017 - March 2021

While working as a Guest Experience Leader at McDonald's, it was duty to ensure that I presented myself in the best customer-facing manner possible while balancing the duties of regular crew. I would always be multitasking helping my fellow co-workers behind the counter with my tasks beyond the counter, such as taking surveys, wiping down tables, or the extra Covid-19 measures. This job taught me great multitasking skills that would continue to help me outside of the customer service industry.

My Projects

Recent Work


McMaster University Capstone project

Check it out!

Spaceship Simulator

C++ OpenGL Graphics Project

Check it out!


Java Project for Software Specification Course

Check it out!

BTD6 AutoPlay

Python Image Recognition paired with JSON Instructions in order to play BloonsTD6.

Check it out!

Pixel Painter

Art Program in which was a part of a series of challenges to learn the P5.JS library.

Play it! Check it out!

Hashi JS

Standard Hashi bridge game in which was a part of a series of challenges to learn the P5.JS library.

Play it! Check it out!

Skills Canada

Website developed in 2 days for the Skills Canada National coding competition.

Check it out!

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